Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Knight View Post
[Metal Quest - Underground Bunker]

As far as Anchor can see, there's two ID cards, both with Hotaru's face on it, only one of them has the name Hotaru on it. The other one has the name Mirai, which they'll soon learn is her newest Nexus pseudonym (at least it's about to be in the Outside scene). Also, from what she can gather, Celebrity isn't lying about being a journalist whistleblower, attempting to oust a certain megacorp that's participating in less-than-nice things, mainly of the 'that charismatic young leader man isn't who you think he is' variety.

There's other things indicating there was a catastrophic event that separated countries via a radioactive barrier. Why else would there be articles like 'Does America still exist?' or 'Progress made in penetrating rad-wall' etc?‎

‎"When is there not competition?" Zhyv mutters. "What matters is making sure we can get a piece before the thing is all used up. There's a lot of it, but even it's a finite resource." He smiles.

Celebrity just laughs at Laru. "Oh, you're so adorable! My very own knight in shining armor. Well, I'd prefer a dame in shining armor, but I'm not picky." She pinches his cheek, then her tone turns serious. "My enemies are bigger than what you think. That's why Farah is here... oh, here she is!"

And indeed she's arrived! Farah, or Luna/Hotaru as Nexusians know her as cartwheels down the stairs. "CC, we're out of..." Then her eyes fall on Anchor and the smile fades from her face. She whirls to face the Chinese lady. "A little discretion wouldn't kill you, Celebrity."

Celebrity looks at Farah questioningly, until a look of realization comes over her. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry, Fa... err... Mirai?"

Farah/Mirai glares at her friend for a bit longer, then turns to face Anchor. "Please pretend you didn't hear my name, Alkania. My life depends on it."

The smile comes back on, and she takes charge of the show! "So!" She claps her hands together. "How can I help you guys?"

Celebrity would speak up right now, but she's too busy kicking herself for her indiscretion.‎
"I was mainly here for the ride. A sample would be what I would like to get out of this journey."

It was mainly a whim that bought Rook this far.