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Thread: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC


    Backlight jumped over crashed cars, into the red-blood mist. He planted one foot on crawler’s blade, spun in air, one hand briefly landing on SWAT van’s mask and in fluid motion like soccer’ sliding tackle - only on the asphalt - found himself facing dumbfounded shooter under armored car.

    Villain twisted and jabbed baseball bat straight into the cop’s face. The loud crack and flying teeth signaled that he won’t make any more problems.

    Autarch, Menagerie, Caliber

    Menagerie dogs coordinated together like fingers that made a fist. Horace launched them in the side of prison van, but car was already moving, escaping into the fog. The three geese, still on windshields, moved with it outside camera view.

    Doberman quickly took Miasma into his fog.

    Autarch commanded his one-armed minions. They moved toward the SWAT van, just in time to create living shield. Armored doors swung open and split second later machine-guns fire swept everything facing back of the armored truck.

    It was a massacre. Autarch was left with only one minion on the battlefield. Said minions was in fog, harming himself to heal Miasma. The dogs-monsters lined also were in the firing arc, half of them death or wounded.


    Caliber waited. He knew that SWAT team planned to clean the way, then follow with quick move into positions to get better angles, use their numbers and concentrated firepower to kill all of his team-mates.

    He also knew that they didn’t know that he was there. On his side was element of surprise and better position. Normally, it would be counterbalanced by SWAT armor and superior firepower, but Caliber had prepared something special.

    He shot first officer as they tried to get out. He could see hundreds of bone needles tearing out of leg as the bullet hit above the knee. SWAT team showed the courage and loyalty - next two out of van dragged their fallen colleague back inside the car.

    It seemed that Caliber’s terror weapon passed the field-test. It bought enough time for a team to finish the job.


    He may only create the illusion of invincibility, but he was good at it, practiced it every time when he defended his territory. Cops exchanged one glance and broke into run.

    Sometimes prayers were answered. Even those made by villains.

    Prison car crashed into abandoned police car in front of him. He barely could see in fog, but the sound of opening doors was unmistakable. The driver decided to run. Few steps forward and he could see why - Menagerie birds finally crashed through armored glass.


    The pain in Miasma legs only seemed to be getting worse. The train of thought started again. Blood surrounded him. His skin growing back, the bone re-forming, muscles knitting themselves. It was excruciatingly slow, but he healed. Someone was bleeding inside the fog, few steps away from him. The Menagerie’ monstrous doberman held him by the shoulder.


    She could feel short break in violence. Two minutes. Then she could feel the fastest heroes of Brockton Bay swooping out of the sky and engaging in the fight, lasers and force-fields against her rescuers diminished ranks.
    Last edited by Madwand; 2016-02-16 at 07:52 AM.