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Thread: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

    I moan groggily as I come into consciousness and then bite my lip to stop myself from screaming as the pain of my healing limbs hits me. I look around confused, the last thing I remember was getting shot and then smashing my head against the ground as I fell. 'Someone must have dragged me in here... but why am I healing?' I look around and notice Menagerie's mutant dog and the man, that must have been under Autarch's control, slicing himself not to far away. 'Damn they must have saved me, didn't expect that...'

    I pull myself into a sitting position in the fog and take a look at my foot that had the hole through it though it was starting to heal, I test it but have to stifle a cry as it collapses under me. Instead I crawl to the edge of the fog and look out to see what had happened since I passed out. I see the man who'd shot me slumped down under the crash site and hear the crash of the SWAT transport truck against something. I glimpse Backlight jumping over the fog bank but ignore that for the moment.

    I start to emanate my fog and direct it towards the bulldozer crash site and the unconscious shooter under it, hoping that there are some bleeding people in the wreck as well. After I start to do that I pull out BB gun and wait for the fog to cover the shooter so I can sense him and peg him with a couple shots to make him start to bleed a little more then he already is. As this starts to happen I sit up and call out to the dog and man behind me in the fog. "You should both go back to your masters now. Keep them safe for me, I can't thank them if they die."

    I'm just honestly waiting until I'm healed enough to hobble away to the getaway van.
    Last edited by GameOfChampions; 2016-02-16 at 03:56 PM.
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