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Thread: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

  1. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

    As soon as he heard Exhilarate bellow to get moving, John began driving. Idiots. Each vehicle, especially the prison van is probably bugged. "This is Calibre. I'm leaving. Miasma will need recovery. You are closer to his position.Trash the prison van if thats the one your taking. Probably bugged. Reconvene in your territory. I'll contact you." He wasn't about to go and risk his life for someone he barely knew. Let alone a cape. Besides, there was so much more he needed to do. Too much business left to attend to.

    As he finished his statement, John turned the radio down to a low volume before driving the truck away from the road. He maintained a fast, yet even pace, like someone in a hurry who was being mindful of the speed limit. As he got farther away from the convoy, he took an exit off the main road into a side street before stopping and getting into the back of the windowless van. He peeled off his holster, jacket, khakis, guns and radio, depositing them all in a Good Life fitness bag. He wrapped the guns in the pants and jacket so they would press against the bag. The radio was turned off. He exchanged his uniform for a grey hoodie, blue wool toque, and sweatpants. The one remaining piece of his uniform was the black crew neck t-shirt underneath the hoodie. And a six inch long knife in his belt, covered by the hoodie.

    He left the van. Too easy a target and too similar to the one Menagerie was using. He didn't want to risk someone being on the lookout for the van on the off chance that they spotted Menagerie's. The chances were low, but it was a chance that John didn't want to take, despite the creeps capabilities when it came to remaining unseen. He locked the van from the inside, exiting it and leaving the keys in the glove compartment as he left. John began the long trek back to Exhilarates territory on foot, confident that no one was looking for a man in sweatpants and a hoodie. The weight of the Good Life bag felt nice on his shoulder.
    Last edited by n0ble; 2016-02-17 at 11:42 PM.