Anna simply states at the other figure - Blacklight - as he curses, diverting her attention from Exhilarate. And there's... Miasma. Strange names for capes. Then again, in the days before NYSP, she'd only heard of big-leaguers. The Protectorate. The Triumvirate. And the international capes, of course. She knew that there would be more, but there had to be a lot of them for those poor men to take such drastic monikers.

"No healing, sorry." The pain threatens to tear her apart from the inside. "I've been... seeing things. There is a team of superheroes. They come here. You die." Even as she speaks the words aloud, Anna realizes they're no longer true. The violence she predicted has not come to pass.

I... I did that, didn't I? Something deep in her, an instinct or an impulse, seems to chime in agreement, and all seven of her eyes suddenly twitch in unison. She chuckles under her breath, as all of the implications begin to wash over the cracks in her mind.

"Take your next left," she growls through the agony at the man in the driver's seat. "If you go right, they find you. They fight you."