Alysha was going to Reflect the spear, but Velara took care of it.

No! I'm not leaving! Not only do I want to protect you, but this guy is a threat to all of the worlds out there. And it's my job, my duty, to protect them!

And I have just the tool to do it.

When the shurikens come, Alysha holds her Keyblade horizontally in front of her.


A glowing sphere of energy surrounds Alysha. As the shurikens pass through, they lose most of their momentum and power. They still hit her, but do almost nothing.

The sphere drops, and Alysha raises her Keyblade to point straight up.


The Keyblade sends out a lot of energy. Suddenly, a ship seems to appear from nowhere in the sky. It's red, and definitely alien. Lasers start shooting out of it, aimed at Agent Shane.

Even over the noise of everything going on, maniacal laughter can be heard from the ship...