Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[Group 2]

So group two, accompanied by a number of guards are going to set up the second ritual. Zhareen is here and she seem to intent to set up a circle away from the water. "Okay, so the demon is probably going to cause fear right? So we just need to think of our greatest fear and then prepare for it. I also hear that drugs are an excellent way of battling fear demons! But I guess we need to be alert with the ritual and all..."
[Group 2]

Vax makes a circuit of the perimeter herself. She trusts herself more than the Malechenar guards that accompany them. Especially because they come from Malechenar. "There is nothing for us to fear from this demon." Vax comments as she returns to her wife's side. "We've bound countless beings like this before. This is hardly different." Only exceptionally more dangerous and less controlled, but that's the last thing you say when you want to instill a false sense of security in these guards. She didn't need them falling apart at the first sign of trouble.