Quote Originally Posted by KerfuffleMach2 View Post

Alysha was going to Reflect the spear, but Velara took care of it.

No! I'm not leaving! Not only do I want to protect you, but this guy is a threat to all of the worlds out there. And it's my job, my duty, to protect them!

And I have just the tool to do it.

When the shurikens come, Alysha holds her Keyblade horizontally in front of her.


A glowing sphere of energy surrounds Alysha. As the shurikens pass through, they lose most of their momentum and power. They still hit her, but do almost nothing.

The sphere drops, and Alysha raises her Keyblade to point straight up.


The Keyblade sends out a lot of energy. Suddenly, a ship seems to appear from nowhere in the sky. It's red, and definitely alien. Lasers start shooting out of it, aimed at Agent Shane.

Even over the noise of everything going on, maniacal laughter can be heard from the ship...
Quote Originally Posted by cavalieredraghi View Post
Mal sees the shuriken out of the corner of his eyes. He however keeps his focus on Velara. He seems to be smiling and frowning at the same time. As if impressed and happy, but at the same,time hurt.

"Velara thank you, but next time please don't interfere. I could have handled that Spear. Though I appreciate the effort."

Then right before the shuriken hit,,he snaps his claws and poofs into mist. The shurekin passing through him harmlessly. The most expanded and traveled upward to Shane. Mal appeared behind him, and he shoot his claw out toward the fateweavers heart.
Shane holds up a hand, as if slowing everything down to his point of view. He looks at the lasers of the ship, and the kobold behind him. Then casually steps out of the way, then lets the lasers and kobold hit each other.
"You don't think I don't see you? I can read your every move. I see you've said you have taken on godlike beings before. That makes two of us, or perhaps four?"
Velara appeared up there on the rock.
"Ugh, your doing your stupid show-offy 'look at how I can dodge everything you throw at me' schtick again. don't you get tired of using the same trick over and over again?"
"The best tricks are the ones that are used the most often, that have withstood the test of time."
He threw a shuriken made of space, infinitely razor sharp, to make an atom look blunt. Velara jumped and flipped over it.
"I don't see it stopping you from doing the same."
"Come on, if your so powerful know so much, face me fist to fist, prove which one's martial arts is better."
"Very Well, Miss Clawstealer."
They both take martial arts stances and soon the fists begin flying, and strange glitches in reality happened as alternate phantom versions of themselves appeared and disappeared at random, the combatants fighting through every possible decision they could make, however a key point to Fateweaver and Fatebreaker battles: they don't play fair. Neither of them do. They cheat. So when Agent Shane finally lands a blow on Velara's jacket, he suddenly finds himself shocked and stunned.
"Yeah, my jackets specially made to shock anyone who hits it with their bare fists. Gives me a real cheating edge to kung-fu battles, and no one expects it when you LET them hit you. Whats that about old tricks that always works?"
That and the battle was a nice distraction from her allies which almost assuredly had an opening right now....