Manann's Keep

Valdes was far too much of a gentleman to take advantage of a lady when she was drunk - and far too sensible to get entangled with this particular lady in any circumstances at all. Kindly but firmly deflecting her advances, he took his leave, leaving Elsa to watch the last embers of the great bonfire burning down from the walls of the keep. Finishing the last of her booze alone, she watched the curling traceries of Aqshy rising hypnotically into the night.


Oseye seemed a little disappointed not to hear more gory details. <Well,> the tall woman said, <now you know not to pick a fight with the big man, eh?>

<It can't have been that bad,> pressed Etunu, She made a stabbing gesture. <Not as bad as a wound from a sword.>

<Or a bite from the Al-Saurim> said another, using an Arabyan term Adelbert didn't recognise.

<Or a daemon,> said a third, standing at the edge of the group. She didn't sound as entertained as the rest - with a shock, Adelbert recognised her as one of the ahosi who had accompanied them to the Library. She was giving him a particularly searching look.

At that moment, Makeda came striding towards them, calling a sharp order in the Danxome language to her warriors. Adelbert had no clue what she had said, but they rose to follow her, heading away from the festivities. Reluctantly, Etunu followed after.

<Stay safe, Mister Empire,> she said, buckling on her sword. Pulling a bronze throwing knife from her belt, she turned it over between her fingers before handing it to him - a gift. <Don't get in any more trouble, hey?>