Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
Eastside Jail

The questions doesn't seem to calm the demon, rather the opposite actually. I dunno, something about spying I think? I was just really angry at them. Just wanna get out of here. Please help. I am Hekta but I dunno my age. Haven't counted. Young? I'm hungry, I want to eat She is rather impatient.
Eastside Jail

I'll help you, Hekta. And I'll make sure you're gotten out of there and fed, but I need to check your memories will quick. Will you let me?
She asks. Then once you're out of there, I have all the free food you can stomach. She promises. If she's allowed into Hekta's memories, Jezzy will search for what was said to her and for any with a mirror in it to show her what Hekta looks like.