During the first day of the trip Victor had kept relatively quiet as he walked in pace close to the front of the caravan. A few politely worded inquiries rewarded him with the name of the caravan master, Misha, and the nature of our cargo, a supply of metal, furs, leathers, cloth (mostly wool), along with tools and trinkets for crafting jewelry and the results of that crafting.

Knowing this to be a valuable haul, Victor became more mindful of his position as a warder of the caravan, and spent the next half-day gauging the strength and ability of the caravan workers/guards. It quickly became clear to him that, just as it had been in the Silver Aegis, that Victor was stronger and heartier than most, if not all, of them. With that clear in mind, he takes up the habit of patrolling the length of the caravan, walking the length of it up and down on each side, keeping a careful eye for any potential dangers.