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Thread: Torquemada Academy - IC

  1. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Torquemada Academy - IC

    Kelly snorted in amusement while accepting the offered gum from Heath and popping it into her mouth. "Pull rank? Hahaha, not likely. I'm just a small town nobody, pretty sure my Mom would knock half my front teeth out if I tried lording it up over anybody, even if my uncle is an Inquisitor. Especially as... well, nevermind, I'm sure it'll make the rounds soon enough."

    She appeared to be momentarily gloomy before her face cleared up and took on a thoughtful expression as she pondered the rest of what he'd said. "It is worst than the news lets on, at least according to Uncle Sam. But I think it's more the school, or rather how frigging tough it is. I bet the attrition rate is through the roof as they weed out the ones who can't hack it. Not like that doesn't exclude me, because God, those entrance exams were brutal. Pretty sure I just barely scraped through on the written parts. Already know I'm gonna need to put in a lot of work hitting the books if I don't want to flunk out on the academics."
    Last edited by CrimsonKnight; 2016-03-13 at 05:55 PM.