Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
[Slave Tunnels]

Well it would have been confusing as hell if he hadn't triggered the secret switch first. Or worse, found some way to trigger this plot before having picked up detective gear. Always awkward.

Until then, onward! Up the middle path with the fearlessness of someone who knows random encounters. Also, there are people to save. Well, hopefully still more than one. Vincent isn't even sure why they're being kidnapped yet. Doesn't seem to be a volcano sacrifice situation.
{Slave Tunnels}

As Vincent travels along, he encounters a few screens of random encounters and scattered chests filled with gold and potions. On the second screen Vincent's player, not necessarily Vincent himself, might notice a chest with no obvious path to it. Neither the screen before, nor the screen after show a path to the left that would allow him access to it either.