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Thread: Multiplayer games recommendations.

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Multiplayer games recommendations.


    It's a simultaneous turn-based strategy which incorporates roleplaying components, and you can get it pretty much anywhere for $6 US. Probably less in Euros. It came out in 1999, so hardware considerations shouldn't be an issue. It's also eaten entire weekends of my life in the last few months.

    Haven't played AoW: Shadow Magic or AoW 2 yet, so I can't really make any recommendations for or against them.

    P, G, and A I think will love it if they haven't already played it. Not sure about you. S and E might have reservations about it. It's not twitch-based, but it would definitely put S in the middle of the fight. It's a fairly intuitive game once you get where the important buttons and displays are, but E may put it aside prematurely if she doesn't understand it immediately.
    Last edited by Grinner; 2016-03-15 at 03:34 PM.