Everyone looks at Sean.

<Sylvan> "I am hardly an expert, you know," he chides, before continuing: "the drow are elves, just as much as the copper elves of Semberholme*, but somehow they have become twisted and evil. They do not love the forests - or any other part of the surface world - and even the humans in their walled cities fear the drow." He thinks for a moment. "I have heard that not all drow are evil, but I have never met any such. All I know is that they came and destroyed the Old Elven Court, many years ago, and left it the monster-infested ruin that it is today. Of the Underdark, I know even less. It is a series of caverns, underneath the world, filled with terrible, evil things."

<Sylvan> "So, what you're saying is, you have no idea why they've come back," Maefydia summarises.

Spoiler: *
Semberholme is an old elven nation not far from your current location.