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Thread: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Athedia's Avatar

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    Keystone of the USA

    Default Re: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

    Quote Originally Posted by CWater View Post
    "Oh, do as you please", Barden hands over the pouch and continues to smile amiably, though adds in a slightly annoyed tone, "But be quick about it. Haven't got all day here." He's just finished the sentence when a younger man with the aura of an assistant hurries towards them and whispers something to Barden. The neither seems to find the topic pleasing.

    Eggy can make a Listen check to try to hear what is said.
    Spoiler: Listen Check
    Spending 1 inspiration point (2 left this "encounter") to gain a +4 to listen

    Listen Check: (1d20+5)[6]

    And I roll a 1. yay?

    Eglantine quickly started counting the coins out, using the sorting tricks Vindal had taught to to swiftly and accurately count the coins. She kept an ear turned to the two men, trying to catch a hint of the conversation. It always paid to be informed. But counting the coins proved to be more distracting and she swiftly realized she had to focus on the task at hand.
    Last edited by Athedia; 2016-03-21 at 11:37 PM.