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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Anime/Manga Discussion 14: Second Cour

    Quote Originally Posted by endoperez View Post
    Think smaller.

    Animal mascot is long and thin with long tail.

    Animal mascot is wounded in first episode. There's a dream, and the voice of the mascot asking for help. The protagonist & her two friends find the mascot.

    Nanoha enters into a contract with Raging Heart, a magical gem she uses to transform.

    Monsters drop magical things called Jewel / Witch Seeds.

    That sort of thing. Visual gags & references. Also stuff like exchanging hair ribbons on last episode during a tearful goodbye. And shipping. The action & themes have much less in common.
    Those things are all incredibly generic. Like, Card Captor Sakura fits every one of those.

    Quote Originally Posted by endoperez View Post
    Nanoha seemed to be written either for kids or for teenagers. Or then it was very lightweight. It's the animated equivalent of Young Adult fiction at most. If it wasn't, half the cast would be dead at the end of the third season. They pulled a lot of punches, as if their audience could not be handle more, even in their military fiction.
    Adults can only enjoy things where lots of characters die? Kids never enjoy things where characters die? You realise that the most popular childrens' book series of the 90s was about child soldiers slowly losing their humanity as they tore apart their friends and family with their bare hands?
    Last edited by Prime32; 2016-03-22 at 12:34 PM.