Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post

"To kill you right befor my eyey, use you as their shield or something alike."
he says. "They know about me, so they will try to get any advantage they can grab rather then fight me directly. Just as the 5v1 situation it would have been."

At his next question he looks confused and looks down on him. He needs a moment to notice the smoke and grabs on his bag, dragging a few burns piece of cloth. "Huh. Looks like I got one on the back." he says and shrugs while throwing the burn cloth to the ground.

A few fire truck may cross thwir path as they rush to the parks direction.

Adir seems surprised they'd go to so much trouble for little old him, but he figures he'd better take it seriously. He still can't stop looking at Zefir. "Dooooes it hurt, man? I can stop. I got a few things." The stag blinks at the road before them, turning purposelessly. "Uhm, where to, anyway?"