I don't really care about whether its a cash grab or not, but I have 0 interest in a sequel with completely different staff. The heart and soul of FLCL was in its energetic animation and direction. So, at least for me, if there's no Hiroyuki Imaishi, Yoh Yoshinari, Tadashi Hiramatsu, ect, ect, there's no sale. And putting the guy who directed Psycho Pass in charge of it doesn't really inspire any confidence in me. Not that he's an awful director, but the style he's used for Psycho-Pass is nowhere close to the zaniness you'd expect from FLCL, and he isn't somebody that's shown any ability to pull in cool freelancers for a cut or two.

So yeah, color me not impressed. Maybe more worthwhile than Adult Swim funding Dimension W (ugghh, I'm still watching it for some reason and its a bad show), but I'd much rather they fund actually cool and risky like more Space Dandy or something.