Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki View Post
What else should they do with the character?

They introduced Jim as the guy who played (and to a degree still does) with his brain shut down.
Then he discovered the „playing a role” part of role playing and, at the start of the fourth campaign, deliberately choose to make his new character a idiot.
Besides, I don't think anything Jim’s characters did so far beats the glorious trainwreck that was Qui-Gon’s pod-race plan.
The joke was new, unforced, and funny then. It actually made sense in context. Now they just retell it every single page out of habit and laziness whether it fits with what's going on or not. It's not like they haven't had time to grow the character, or write some new material. It's been years.

I'm fine with Jim's characters doing silly things being a running gag. I'm not fine with it being the point of the strip every single time he's on screen.

Then again, this is worded a bit strongly. It's not like I'm actually angry about it or anything.