Quote Originally Posted by 8BitNinja View Post
Steve turns to Ambrosia, "Are you from another universe or continuity too?" He wonders if other people here are not natives to this universe.
Quote Originally Posted by Fenric View Post
[Koi World]

Kenji smiles and nods

Ok! Anyway, Grandfather's this way!

And he leads Steve and Ambrosia down the path: past meadows that seem normal enough and skirting around a forest that on closer inspection is clearly made of aquatic plants rather than trees. The curious pond spirits that appear as koi back in the mortal world watch quietly, a bit intimidated by the newcomers but reassured by the presence of their guardian.

What Kenji called a town is at best a tiny village with perhaps a hundred buildings altogether. It is quaint and fairly picturesque place perched on the foothills of the imposing mountain, with distinctly Meiji-era Japanese architecture and many bright red gates scattered about. Kenji doesn't go into the town, though, instead leading the way around toward a low castle set a small distance further up the mountainside.
[Koi World]

"Why, of course I am. I had assumed all people here where came from another world at some point, perhaps generations past." Ambrosia tells Steve. "I am new of course, drawn her by curiosity." She laughs. "But don't mind that, makes no difference from what world we are, yes?" Her eyes are turned to the mountain that they pass and then to the village until it finally settles on the castle. "My, my, how pretty it all is. Such beauty is rare to come by in this harsh world."