Not sure how close to colorado you are looking to get but I used to live up there so i'll try and recall the climate and how it might damage stuff.

Zipcode 81143 if you want to look it up.

We had less rain annually that the Sahara desert. We never got much above 80-90F during the day. In the winter we could hit -30F to -40F We would have 70F temperature swings at times.

When it did rain it rained hard. only a couple times a year though. The ground was entirely sand (At least down to about 6 feet. We never dug further.) You could water plants 3 times a day and they would still be dehydrated.

We had a ton of wind. 30-40 MPH winds were common. 70-80 was not unheard of. This combines with the sand can do a number over the years.

The only time the wind ever stopped was for 2 weeks after we stuck up a windmill to generate electricity. Before and after that it just about always blowing somewhat.

About once a year a cloud of termites would fly through for a week or so.