It is a uniquely terrifying yet gratifying experience to be charged with helping another human being shape their future, as well as being responsible for their care and their every need. However, you are right. It changes you in so many ways and these are not always positive traits. It shows you the highs of joy and the depths of frustration. There are those who choose to gush on all the positive aspects that it brigns to someones life and choose to ignore the negative traits it shows us about ourselves. In my opinion, this is not a really good thing to do, simply because the entire experience is benficial, even if you do not think so at first.

I do not have kids of my own, but i was blessed to watch my nephews grow up and its an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. It showed me just how hard it is to be a parent and it also showed me how weird kids can be lol. But they are a true joy.

I always questioned whether I would want to be a parent simply because I fear not being able to give my child every opportunity that they deserve in this world and that wouldn't be their fault. They didn't ask to be here, that was a decision that was made without their consent, they were merely thrust into the void and told "Do something with your life". That is probably the hardest thing for any person to do and as a parent you are burdened with making sure that your child does not fall under the weight of that mantle.

Parenthood is tough, but goodluck to all those out there making it work.