Quote Originally Posted by Primus Beno View Post
However, I always remembered that while the d6 system seemed work work reasonably well for individual characters, it fell apart when it came to vehicles. I remember there being several different classes of dice, including Capitol Ships and such. We never played much with the verticals because it seemed to complicated and it was hard to narrate in a Minds Eye Theater anyway. How do you do a space battle with a B-wing against a Gunboat?
It sounds to me as if you just need to play First Edition D6 Star Wars. Chase, starship battles, and the like are all fantastic in the mind's eye and extremely easy to run.

First Edition is a lot easier to run than the X-Wing minatures game or even the Star Warriors game published by WEG.

I think 1E is exactly what the doctor ordered in your case.

First edition D6 Star Wars is quite a bit different than the later versions and editions of the game. I think there are seven versions in all. First edition is the easiest to run, the most unencumbered rules set you'll ever play.

It, more than any other game system, captures the swashbuckling, space opera feel of Star Wars.

Check it out.