Alton quietly admits, "I'd forgotten you've escaped the arena a few times. I guess because a lot has happened since you told me."

He listens carefully, then goes to Bor the Loud and says, "According to a more experienced gladiator I know, the waterways that bring in water for the bathroom are not well guarded."

"There are a couple of monsters, and the gate is locked, but not magically locked."

Alton fights the temptation to just have Brugg, Tomok, and even Astar gang up on Bor and subdue the crazy half-orc to prevent him from throwing away his life in this foolish escape attempt. That method stinks of Law, and worse, it makes him feel ashamed, considering that Bor spared him, healed him, and allowed him to ransom back his most important gear.

He then says, "Bor... Your owner might be aware you intend to escape, you know. Unless you took steps to prevent mind reading."