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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition - Burnt Offerings

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowsend View Post
    On the quasit, you notice her tiny dagger has a faint glow to it, and it looks to be made of a strange material. Wrapped around the handle and guard are extra strips of cloth. On the walls you notice something written in Thassilonian. "Fear the Lady of Anger, serve her only and take your oaths in her name. Do not follow the other lords of the peoples around you; for the Lady of Anger, who is among you, is a wrathful Lord and her anger will burn against you, and she will destroy you from the face of the land." And another one: "No one can withstand her indignation! No one can resist her fierce anger! Her wrath is poured out like volcanic fire, boulders are broken up as she approaches."
    "...boulders are broken up... as she approaches." Rax finishes translating the Thassilonian runes out loud. "That thing looked pretty angry, but I don't know about breaking any boulders-" he gestures at the quasit. "must have just been a servant. Well now, what's this?" Stooping, he retrieves the tiny dagger and passes it to Sminerano for inspection.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "If... If I am correct, we should be able to use the same method to draw power from the well. I believe, every time it spawns a creature, it draws from some power source. Doing this enough times... should drain the source."

    He looks around his gathered companions, some hurt more than others. "I can provide some healing, and then we can surround the pool- ready to ambush the creature as it spawns. Are any of you opposed to such a plan?"
    "Wait, we've gotta slice ourselves up, and then fight more of those things?" Rax shakes his head and kicks at the stone supporting the alter with his boot, then winces as it sends spasms of pain through his wounds. "Ugh, fine. Anything to shut this place down for good and get us out of here! Now where's that wand?" After receiving healing, Rax takes a position across the pool from the others, assuming a ready stance with his rapier drawn.
    Spoiler: Healing
    As long as we have enough charges on the wand, Rax will use 3 CLWs or until 8 HP is healed, whichever comes first:
    So 2 charges used and 8HP healed, bring Rax up to 13/16 HP.
    Last edited by MuffinMan; 2016-05-14 at 07:28 PM.
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)