Quote Originally Posted by Bears With Lasers View Post
I cut you, muddafugga. I cut you so bad, you... you wish I no cut you so bad!
Wow. Those are some bad Bears With Lasers. I blame the schools.

Actually, come to think of it, the whole character background process has become a bit cleche. The whole batman, "this one event from my childhood that defines my entire life," thing is featured in most characters I've encountered. I personally try to make characters with interesting quirks/personality (with varying degrees of sucess), and typically leave the background to general details and not this, "his parents got killed by kobolds/he once befriended a kobold/a kobold once pushed him down and ruined his ice cream cone, so now he has a phobia/hatred/like for kobolds, and this defines his entire existance." Don't get me wrong, characters like this aren't all bad, and I may (although I won't admit to it ) or may not have been guilty of this on more than one occasion, but even so, I find it to be an unfortunate trend.