Gilraen allows his posture to ease when a few more attempts prove fruitless to raise any more sinspawn. "Well, I for one, am glad to see that dealt with- at least as much as can be. Rax, good job. We would have been in much direr straits had we been forced to explore this place without your expertise. Likewise, Sminerano, those explosives proved particularly fortuitous with the bats. I shudder to think how ineffective we would have been at dispersing the foul swarm." He turns to Filibert. Smiling warmly, he nods at the diminutive knight and clasps a shoulder in salute. Words are neither necessary nor effective at describing his gratefulness for his friend's willingness to bear the brunt of the danger. After a long moment of relief, sadness creeps into his features.

"Still, there is work yet to be done. Perhaps less dangerous, but no less important for the fact. Ameiko may not have gotten along well with her father, but any opportunity she may have hoped to gain reconciliation has been dashed. She will need friends in these next few days, and I dare say she likely counts you all among them. Perhaps a new dress from Rynshinn will go a small way towards taking her mind off of things..." he adds as an afterthought. He turns back to his companions, just inside the threshold of the profane sanctuary, "Let us meet with Father Zantus. I am sure he can relieve our injuries, possibly without resorting to the precious pool of energy upon which our wand relies. Desna is a forgiving Goddess, and if memory serves, particularly dislikes the malformed creations of Lamashtu... I cannot help but wonder if that Goblin's form is a result of her influence, somehow...

As he passes by the caved-in stairs, Gilraen looks towards them with a shudder. Who knows where they lead?