I have a phobia of worms. Not just worm actually. Maggots, caterpilars. Ugh, even typing them give me the creeps. But once they turned to bugs it's okay. Snakes are also okay. Centipedes are okay. It isn't really logical, really. Basically, if I saw something squiggling in my drinking water, I will check. Does it have legs? If there is, it's okay, it's just a bug. If there's not, I'll kill myself.

This was quite problematic because I used to work subtitling, and one thing I used to subtitled a lot was the show Fear Factor. And they quite like to make the contestants swim in ****ing worms or such. **** them. Subtitling those shows was torture, I have to take break often (usually to puke). A trick was to tape cover to the middle part of my screen, so only the lower part where the subtitle appear that I can directly manipulate are shown. Those were the days.