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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition - Burnt Offerings

    As the party leaves the ruins beneath the Glassworks, Gilraen's hands slowly resume their typical jitters. He waves uncomfortably at the townsfolk, offering a smile, but not trusting himself to form words in the moment, until he sees the farmers and they considerable following. To them, he nods, and mumbles, "I am glad to have been able to help."

    At the cathedral, relief is the dominant emotion. Father Zantus is wise beyond his fairly limited years, and Gilraen is pleased to see the man already considering the significance of the task ahead. "I know the weight of your burden is somewhat beyond our purview, but please, if we can be of aid, ask. I am sure I speak for all of us when I say that w are here for you as we are for all of Sandpoint in these troubling times..." He nods at the mention of help from Magnimar- an odd mirror image of the Sheriff's words so shortly prior.

    The most pressing concern satisfied, Gilraen heads to the town hall to inform Mayor Deverin of the tragic news.