@Johann: You inform Jacob telepathically about the situation and the Eternal archer nods.

Send me in.

It's a quick snap of your fingers as Luna appears next to you and you reassure her that everything is alright as the half fey looks at you in horror and rolls up into a ball in the snow.

Iki laughs at a distance as Jacob appears next to her and takes a few steps back, opening a volley of arrows, many of which hit her and hurt her, but the fey is not really bothered by it.

"Johann! Are you sure that was a wise move? To separate a child from her mother? She may not have any spells on her- given her nature, fooling her is not that easy...

But not impossible.

This monster has wandered Lugenheim for awhile. I was quite surprised to see what she really was, but in the end, she is a child. A child that wants to be with her mother. I can only wonder what her mind is truly seeing right now. What words she is hearing from your lips....

The tremendous mental back lash must be killing her...hehehehhehehhehhee! You will add a child to your list of kills? That is one for the books, for sure.""

Luna seems in pain... what has this monster done to her?

What can you tell this child before her mind cracks and so does her body?


Round 2

@Johann: Iki Ryo moves in towards Jacob and holds him by the throat, as a pillar of ice shards envelops both.

"Stupid Guardian! I will not have you messing around when I am so close to disposing of your sorry lot!""

The Deceitful Winter hurls Jacob several feet away in an explosion of snow and as the Archer is about to get up, Iki Ryo simply looks at him, freezing Jacob in place.

"Wanderer in the Woods! Lost soul of Lugenheim... kill that mage.""

The Icegaunt roars as pieces of ice fall from his beard and the beast speeds up incredibly fast as he places one well thrown punch across your face.

Spoiler: Slam

25 damage plus 2 cold damage plus 1 Negative Level


Spoiler: Initiative
Iki Ryo