@Johann: Luna smiles as you point Silas' wand at the beast and barrage him with five copies of Enigma, made of raw arcane energy as these peck and fly through his leathery body.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me, Uncle Johann.""

Luna walks a few steps forward as she raises both of her hands and these become engulfed in fire.

"These things are poor souls left to wander the forest. Killed and brought back by the Frostfell... they simply cannot handle FIRE!""

It's a gigantic pillar of flame that cleanses the Icegaunt in sacred fire, causing his body to suffer tremendous damage. More so than an undead ought to.

Perhaps because Iki Ryo brought them to being from the Frostfell, fire is anathema to them.

Yet the creature, badly hurt, still stands!

Round 4

@Johann: This undead is clearly out of his league.

He thought he'd be able to bring you down easily, but he did not count on someone like Luna to join the fray.

Calling on the powers of the frozen trees around him, the Icegaunt points his smoking finger at you as a host of green spectral shapes fly towards you, each wailing in agony as they attempt to deprive you of all your protections.

Spoiler: GDM- Buffs removed
Superior Resistance

Jacob composes himself at last and aims his bow.

"Good to have you here, Luna... odd as the situation may be.""

The arrows fly true and strike the undead, causing several explosions of sound to obliterate the Icegaunt completely, leaving behind only a burnt husk.

Luna looks on at the charred remains in the distance and then turns to look at both with a wide smile.

"We did it! yay team! But Adalyse and Xander are somewhere trapped in that house! Iki Ryo put some poison or drug or something in our soup and then, I was caught in this place, with vaguely any of my strength, but I am quite sure Adalyse did not drink from what was served.

Oh! We also need to find Aunt Anzaril! I know she's around. I saw her! I don't think she saw me, though: she was muttering something about a Nistle Swansong being around, but when I called for her, it was like she couldn't even see or hear me.""

Jacob scratches his head regarding the new information.

"Xander left Lugenheim. He took Dietrich, Aenar and Zephyr. They should be out of the house by now. We were currently fighting Iki... the real one, at least.""

@Zephyr: You walk up to Xander's sludge remains, carefully not to step on him and pick up his spectacles, putting them on over your Raptor Mask as Xander appears in a blurry vision and clears his throat for a few seconds, looking at you in silence.

And then he speaks:

If you are still alive after putting my glasses on, it means that the spell I cast on them has not detected you as evil and thusly, the Runes I carved on the frame have not exploded.

Congratulations. You are still alive.

Now that we got that out of the way, I am assuming that either Silas or Johann have found my remains, after being caught in Iki's Infallible Servant Curse. However, since this is a programmed message, i will refer to you as Friend.

Very well, friend. I was, unfortunately, caught in Lugenheim's many chambers. Iki Ryo, a Winterhaunt of Iborighu who lords over the House of Lies can effectively alter reality and impose very powerful hexes and curses... while people are trapped in the house.

During my entrapment, I was able to pierce the veil and, although I was caught in Iki's deception, I too was able to deceive her, by recording the schematics of her House.

Lugenheim runs on very ancient and sinister fey magic, but also on the powers of the Frostfell. These are located in three pivotal areas of the house, which are protected by sigils and illusions.

I can guide you, Friend, through the House and disrupt the pillars that hold it in place.

Destroying Lugenheim will release anyone trapped in its walls. It should, in theory, reduce Iki Ryo's power considerably.

If you are willing to accept my help, please confirm with a simple Yes and we can get started. Be aware that this is a guide- any traps or foes Iki Ryo has inside, will have to be dealt by you.

Best of luck.