[Jace's Place]

Those can all be pretty scary things, the curious dogs in particular.

"Go on, shoo!" Khannie says, waving a paw at the canines. Non-pokemon animals are still pretty weird to her. It doesn't help that about half the animals you meet in the Nexus are talking animals. Talking animals that doesn't say there names, no less! Very strange.

About half way to the dumpster, there comes a sound like rattling dice from nowhere in particular, shortly followed by Khannie lurching to a stop.

Mostly because the bag she was dragging just vanished.

Along with her Kangaskhanite.

And her clothing.

In fact, everything that was on Khannie's person that isn't her is suddenly gone!

Specifically, it just teleported back into Jace's house.

Right on top of his nice rug. Everything non-magical, which basically means everything other than Khannie's pendant, also turned into cuts of meat. Or ice cubes. Or granite. Or gold. Pretty much at random. The skull also animates after transmuting into solid sapphire. "Oh hey cool, I'm sapient now. Imagine that. Doot." Said skull sprouts some nice spidery looking crystal legs and begins to skitter away.

Khannie, meanwhile, is outside looking embarrassed.

"Why am I naked!"

You're a pokemon, Khannie. You spend most of your life naked. It isn't a big deal.