Spoiler: Sminerano
The usual murmur of the crowd is absent as you walk into the Rusty Dragon. You see Ameiko on stage, very drunk, plucking her samisen seemingly randomly, though the effect is not something you've heard before, you can get used to it. Rynshinn, Hannah, and Arika Alvertin sit at a table that has been drawn up to the very edge of the stage, and whisper amongst themselves.

The three of you head towards the City Hall. A guard at the front allows you entrance, and leads you to a large meeting room, with a loft filled with five finely crafted chairs, four of which with a family crest above them. The fifth is in the center and has the Sandpoint Mercantile League sigil emblazoned in the wall behind it. Currently four of the five chairs are occupied by Titus Scarnetti, a very old looking man, which you assume to be Ethram Valdemar, Sir Jasper Korvaski, Mayor Deverin, and the empty one belonging to the Kaijitsu family. Scribes sit close to them, in livery of each of the families and the office of the League, writing down the conversations as best they can. Mayor Deverin seems to be addressing concerns you've already heard from Titus Scarnetti about the defense of the city.

"The militia cannot be more ready than it already is. It takes time to arm and deploy, even with advanced notice, it can take an hour or two to get everyone ready to fight. You know this. You also know we've tried to reduce that time and only succeeded in gaining a few minutes at best. While it's clear more should be done, having a standing army or increasing the defenses requires that we tax the people, and everyone here, more in order to pay for the labor, be it the exercise of silvered steel or building hammers. If we were seeking safety, we never would have left Magnimar, such as it is."

Ethram raises a frail hand. "In the face of death, what good is a few extra silver or gold spent on taxes?"

"Dead is dead. There are those of us who cannot even pay for decent food among us now. Surely increasing their taxes will take food out of their mouths."

"Perhaps we should start a defense fund then, and allow people to contribute what they can." Lord Scarnetti replies.

"I believe that would eventually become a tax, because as the current events fade, so too will the resolve to change our defenses and we'll be right where we started."

Sir Jasper Korvaski motions for himself to speak. "It would still be a step forward. I think it is our best option at present. We can revise this plan later, if we determine the funds generated are not sufficient."

"All those in favor?"

Everyone raises their hand.

"We shall create a defense fund, overseen by Sir Jasper Korvaski. He will document every transaction and we will determine the best actions to take at the next League Meeting." Mayor Deverin pauses. "Now onto introductions. May I present the newly appointed Sandpoint Reeves, Gilraen Surion, Filibert Heathertoe, and Araxes Kellandon. While I didn't expect them to make a report until next month, they might already have news for the League to discuss."