Daciana can make 2000 gold in the three days. As well, on the first day, Elena excitedly comes to tell her that Alyssa returned the pendant and apologized profusely for taking it. On the second and third day, Daciana notices a lot more activity on the lower floors, and eventually learns that there will be conference on the third day of the priestesses to decide on promotions and demotions. On the day of the conference, Zanthia comes to Daciana, inviting her to join. Daciana attempts to demure, saying she is not a priestess, but Zanthia just has one of her little smiles on her face as she has the amazon witch come.
Daciana is not able to comment on most of the decisions as the women are unknown to her, but she is able to offer comments from what the others are saying, and when she did have limited contact with them. Two decisions however allow her lots of input. The first relates to Elena, it seems that her promotion to the fourth floor was on probation, and now a decision on whether to make it permanent or not is warranted. They will listen to what Daciana has to say. The second relates to Alyssa, she is up for promotion to the fourth floor and several priestesses note that over the past few days, they have seen a vast improvement in her demeanor and attitude, and that the time might be ripe for her. They also listen to Daciana's comments.