Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"Lonjiku Kaijitsu is dead."
A collection of gasps and other sounds of shock fill the room.

Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"As best we can ascertain, his... son, Tsuto Kaijitsu is responsible, and currently under guard across the way." He gestures in the vague direction of Hemlock's jail- across the square.
Titus Scarnetti snorts. "A divided house cannot stand," he says derisively. Mayor Deverin shoots him a harsh look, and he stops talking again.

Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"I suspect Ameiko now rightfully belongs in his seat, though no doubt she is currently in no shape to attend. I... do not envy her position. Tsuto, likewise, appears responsible for the raid, the night of the Swallowtail Festival. We have found documents in his own hand- and the family's traditional language- detailing the plot. He knew of some sort of access beneath the Glassworks, tunnels or a catacomb of sorts. He has used these at least once or twice to gain passage unseen." Gilraen gulps, a vain attempt to make the passage of his next words less unpleasant.
Sir Korvaski goes white at the mention of the tunnels. Everyone pauses and looks at him. He sighs heavily. "Lonjiku told me about them. He said that when the Glassworks was built by his father, some of the workers decided to extend the underground portion and smuggle goods in and out. He fired them once he found out, and bricked up the tunnels. It would not have been difficult for Tsuto to discover them."

Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"Finally, it would appear that we have witnessed but the spearhead of Tsuto's plans. There is a greater raid to come- the details were lacking, as it appears we have discovered the plot before it has come to completion..." The lean Elf looks to his companions, his expression a strong warning, before turning back to face the Mayor.

"That is all, for now."
There is a constant whispering, as if everyone is trying to talk their minds at once. Kendra waits patiently for them to settle down. "This news requires my immediate attention, given that Sheriff Hemlock is currently in Magnimar. If no one objects..." She pauses and looks at the other members of the League. Lord Scarnetti begins to object, then pauses and considers something else. "Let us finish the meeting tomorrow." Everyone stands up and before the group leaves, Mayor Deverin beckons them over. "Come with me, please." She says.

She leads the trio to a smaller meeting room. "How much...time do we have before they come?" She asks, her voice intense, but barely above a whisper. Just then, there is a knock at the door. "Enter!" she shouts, annoyed.

A scribe opens the door. "Mayor, come quick. A man fell off his horse just outside. Both he and his horse are wounded badly. I wouldn't have disturbed you, but he called out for you by name."

The Mayor leads the group quickly outside to see a crowd gathered around what you assume must be the wounded man. Daviren Hosk is tending to the horse over to the side. It has been shot in the hind quarters by an arrow with blue fletching. You recognize the horse as belonging to Madrak Stoot. Hannah Velerin is rushing down Main Street from the south.