Quote Originally Posted by mouser9169 View Post
Exactly!!! You understand

That's what makes their relationship so perfect and undeniable. Oona has never met a man like O-Chul, who will stubbornly refuse to "Nod. Get treat." She'll be cold and distant, at first, as her tsundere character won't let her get close, but she'll be inexorably drawn to this tower of strength, until these new feelings slowly build.

They'll meet again on the battlefield, and both be taken by the others strength and skill, trading words as well as blows, until O-Chul warms her chilly heart with his brave deeds and strength of purpose. O-Chul will be overcome by her savage beauty and simple honor and purity of spirit. Of course, MitD will be the catalyst that helps them bridge the gaps that would otherwise keep these kindred spirits apart.

Finally, when Oona can no longer contain her feelings and O-Chul gives his heart to the woman who fans the flames of his heart with every swing of her mace, they will be married by the rescued Durkon, as Oona is far more attached to the man she loves than a god who is only good for "weddings and funerals."

And they adopt MitD who doesn't want to live with Xykon and Redcloak anymore. The End (of these loose ends).

Hey, let's see if that actually happens!