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    Troll in the Playground
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    Aug 2007
    Planeptune, Gamindustri

    Default Re: Final Fantasy: The Transcendent Throne [IC]

    Hiiro made a little face as she considered the facts; she didn't have any filtration at her nose for the awful smell or anything, but she couldn't just let up. It was also not really her place to, um, loot the bodies... it'd be terribly disrespectful. But she couldn't help but note the presence of gunblades amidst the mix. It made her feel a bit foolish to be so stubborn about an old, junky model Katarina discovered in a ruin years ago when... well, modern ones are in use. But she'd kind of gotten really attached to the junker, however clumsy it is.

    "I can't find any Materia at all," Hiiro announced, loud enough for both Relkana and Renne to hear once she swept back from her reconnaissance. "It's kind of odd. I'd expect -- well, some of them to get stuck, or not roll about as much... given that everything else seems to still be here. Is that particularly odd to you, Renne? Like, I'm sure they don't... dissolve in water..."

    She kind of sounded like she was drawing to a kind of realisation, then blurted out, "How-- how clingy to magic is Materia? Like -- like if the flood was a magical flood, would the Materia just stick to it? Markos said as much this wasn't any natural disaster."
    Last edited by Merilan; 2016-06-08 at 06:09 PM.