Quote Originally Posted by Fenric View Post

(( Sorry - missed that. Scanned quickly for "Myobi", didn't see it, didn't read carefully. ))

The nearest person happens to be a dainty little sand-fox gardener with huge ears, shiny black eyes, and sandy-tan fur dressed in brown overalls, who takes a minute to realize that Steve is asking for a phone. His voice is high-pitched but melodious.

You can borrow mine if you need to! The nearest place to buy one is probably the MagMart a few blocks north.

and he pulls out and offers a thin, shiny black rectangle that folks familiar with such things would recognize as a NexPhone 4s - a little old, but still quite serviceable.

Ambrosia waits for Steve to make his call then, that certainly was nice of the gardener to lend Steve his communication device. She needed to get one of those herself at some point.