Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
The bookcase swung toward Zinnia, revealing a small crawlspace. Once inside it opened up into a new room, smaller than the bedroom. The most prominent feature was a large altar that took up half of the available space. The elemental symbols were spread out over the circular surface of the altar and a bowl with a burnt feather floating on a muddy slurry lay on the center of the altar. To the side of the room was a small set of shelves with only a small box of papers and a blue bag with the initials A.H. in neat gold embroidery and a different set of needlework in the design of what you can only assume to be a bunch of flowers.
Laurel makes a small sound and grabs the bag, opening it up and shaking it upside down to get rid of anything the innkeeper may have put inside. She mumbles the activation word and sticks an arm inside the small bag up to her elbow, although it looks like it could barely have fit her fist. After a moment of frantic searching, Laurel relaxes visibly. "Everything important's here at least," she says, searching around some more, then pulling out a flask from the bag's hidden depths and taking a long drink before offering it to the rest of the party.