Quote Originally Posted by The_Jackal View Post
I don't understand how using the shout is tantamount to cheating. Is there an according-to-hoyle rulebook for Nord duelling? Somehow I very much doubt that's the case, and the people leveling the 'cheating' accusation at Ulfric are merely trying to discredit his victory, since they can't very well proclaim that Torygg won the duel. My attitude is that when you accepted a duel to the death, you're pretty much in 'no holds barred' territory, and you can't very complain that 'the manner in which I was killed wasn't gentlemanly'.
That depends on the terms of the duel; agreeing to a duel with swords and then using a pistol would be cheating, duel to the death or not. The 'to the death' part just precludes a rematch if that happens.

Ulfric used something Torygg had no access to and no reasonable way of getting access to in time for their fight. And let's not forget, the Greybeards he learned that Shout from teach that the Voice should only be used to praise the gods and for True Need. Beating someone half his level of experience in a fight he might have been able to win with just his sword is neither.