Quote Originally Posted by Rupethebear View Post
Jose finishes his run to the Sullustran woman and double checks the militia won't cause him any grief.
Quickly he searches the still bodies for the key to the shackles and then turns to the Sullustran woman "Well don't just sit there, let's get the hell out of here."
Standing he helps the woman stand and then runs with her back towards the landing pad.
"Byen, it's hit the fan. Get ready to be airborne. Not sure where to but I'm sure you can figure something out as we get to you."
The Sullustran rubs her wrists as Jose removes the cuffs. "Thanks for the help but I've got my own ship and I'm not leaving without it." She makes to run off in a different direction across the duracrete. In the distance you can see a G9 Rigger Light Freighter (not the same one that came in recently). Further away, a YT-1300 is lifting off (too far away for the cook to be on board, in case you're wondering)

Byen's voice comes back across the comlink, "You got it, firing up the Nexus now. So, with Thel in the brig, who's flying the Bantha? Also, don't forget I don't have much fuel on this bird. Wherever we're going it better be close."