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Thread: 'Off the Edge' Star Wars FFG/EotE (IC)

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Adelaide, SA, Australia

    Default Re: 'Off the Edge' Star Wars FFG/EotE (IC)

    As you survey the situation and take stock, the Human barmaid starts to shake and becomes increasingly hysterical, "My cantina! Who's going to pay for this? Oh, my table! Broken dishes. Get out! get out!" before collapsing in a heap and sobbing inconsolably. The older Twi'lek gathers her possessions and moves to comfort the barmaid, gesturing at you all to go, not that you need much encouragement, the signs and sounds of panic are still all around and instinct tells you that it's time to hightail it.

    Elav'chir nervously follows the confident Torrance to the Bantha, gladly accepting the offer to freshen up and get some clean clothes. Jose struggles in shortly afterwards carrying a couple of scatterguns and light blaster pistols (much more is going to seriously overload you) and the unconscious body of one of the militia who is starting to come around (there was only one unconscious, the others were all killed).

    Checking her surveillance drones, Apex notes that the Human and Aqualish crewmen boarded a YT-1300 freighter which promptly took off (the one you spotted earlier). There were no signs of anything suspicious

    Your Sullustran friend has disappeared but just when you've given her up as a lost cause a comlink request comes in across the Bantha's coms. "Didn't want to leave without saying thank you and maybe we can all salvage something from this mess. I've got a lead which that waitress we all know was helping me with. Worth a bit of money to us all. If you can help, I'll cut you in. So what do you say? Give you a few minutes to think it over. Don't take too long though, those militia have lots of friends."

    Just then, Byen's voice comes across the comlink, "Ah, hate to break up the party guys but we've got in-bound from the city. Looks like a couple of A-A5 Speeder trucks with weapons mounts. They're headed our way."

    OOC: I'm assuming that Knuto, Weld, Apex and Nyreen are aboard their respective ships if they wish to be. By the way, for the benefit of newer players, Weld is a medic.
    Spoiler: Where is everyone
    Elav'chir the waitress plus Torrance and Jose are aboard the Bantha (HT2200 freighter), The NPCs Byen, Syn and WAC-1N are all aboard the Nexus (Ghtroc freighter) with engines running, I'm assuming that Knuto, Apex and Nyreen are aboard their ship the Red Star (YT-1760) with the ex-PC bounties. Weld, any preferences? As for pilots, I'm assuming Knuto is piloting the Red Star, Byen the Nexus; who's piloting the Bantha if it needs to take off?
    Last edited by sagamer; 2016-06-15 at 07:06 AM. Reason: forgot to add surveillance drone report