Now that they're a bit closer, the A-A5 Speeder trucks seem to be headed in the direction of the cantina. You have a bit more breathing time, assuming of course they're here for you. There seems to be a bit of activity off in that direction, civilian traders emerging from cover, some running around, some yelling ...

Byen has located a good looking landing spot to the north in the Bright Lands. "From what I know of Ryloth, no-one will be too keen to follow us out there, not without some serious hardware anyway. Lift off and atmospheric flight will burn a bit of fuel but we have more than enough for that, just remember that the Nexus won't get home with what we have, nor I suspect will that YT-1760 our new friends came in with. If you're planning a dust off then someone needs to start firing up the Bantha's engines, time's ticking. I've got Syn in the Nexus' turret standing by."

The Sullustran checks in, "Got the co-ords. Sounds like a plan. I've invested too much here to back out now. See you at the meeting point. I'm heading south then I'll swing around a few klcks out, don't want to make it too obvious. Oh, name's Aia Fillia by the way. Ashworm out." With that, her G-9 Light freighter lifts off, heading south as indicated.

OOC: I'm going to slow my posts down a bit to allow players who haven't posted recently some time to catch up. The trucks haven't reached the cantina (or you) yet so cantina actions are still possible. If you're not obviously on any of the ships, please declare any actions you want prior to that.