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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    In response to Petaba's question, Cusswell points at a lean half-orc woman bristling with weapons staring out over the other side of the main deck. "That's the sea bitch, over there. She don't much like me, but I'm sure you're a sweet talking f!cker, aren't you? You'll do fine." That done, the foul-mouthed halfling returns to what food and drink she has left, evidently done with the conversation but watching you out of the corner of her eye. She seems a bit too careful about the kind of impression she's making to be as tough as she appears.

    Meanwhile, the crowd only grows around the barrel as Hiss and Jape face off. Grasping arms over of barrel of sharp objects, the pair of pirates flex their hardest as each tries to overpower the other. Their arms are a testament to their strength, but it would seem as though the half-orc has the upper hand. That is, until Hiss lets out his namesake, shaking Jape's resolve and wavering his grip. It would seem that it was just enough of a difference, as Hiss is able to push Jape's arm down into the waiting field of glass and metal. The half-orc lets out a howl of pain, as he nurses his bleeding arm and walks away, glaring at Hiss the whole time he does so.

    It takes some time, but eventually the rest of the Wormwood pirates retire for the evening, heading down to set up their hammocks on the lower deck and leaving a skeleton crew behind for the night watch. Besides them, only the card players remain. Grok leaves early, citing the grog and her exhaustion, but Kroop stays up with Catrina and Thysh for at least a dozen more rounds, laughing all the while. It's plainly obvious that letting him win at something has cheered him up, and by the time Fishguts turns in, he does so with an easy grin and a pat on the back for both parties. "Ye're good salts, the both of ye," he says as he disappears below. The sun is long gone by this point, and the change in shift is nearly overdue. A full night's rest is a fiction now, and only time will tell if their new ally was worth the effort.

    It is Lodan, on his way back to bed, who hears the footsteps in the lower hold. His mind is filled with the fire of the grog, so it might well have been his imagination, but he could have sworn he saw a blurry figure move about, carrying a bloodstained hammock. Then they're gone, as though they disappeared.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Okay guys, I've made my first cut from the game. St.Just, I'm very sorry but last night Variel was shanked in his sleep. I've already rolled Perception for Lodan (since we already decided the card players were doing the first night shift and would thus be asleep) but he didn't do so well on it (he rolled a 6). So their identities remain a secret!

    That concludes the first day aboard the Wormwood! I'll be rolling in the OOC for the next day's jobs, but you guys are welcome to roleplay sleeping, and being woken up by the ship's bell in order to report to your various bosses.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2017-01-07 at 08:37 PM.
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    Small Justice

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."