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Thread: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    WalkingTheShade's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Smelly cheese land

    Default Re: 3SC's Skull & Shackles IC

    A bad case of morning sickness

    Nothing in the middle deck but thirty caged kegs of the same discount lower grade piss. Lodan comes back, certain nothing can ever go well, up to find hammocks and people sleeping in them. He picks an empty one next to a snoring crew member, before getting back up and finding another empty one further away. He instantly goes to sleep.

    He dreams of sitting at a dinner table in a house near a beach, with his parents, and Harrigan, and Plugg. Lodan politely makes the introductions, but Harrigan and Plugg start laughing maniacally. Lodan wakes up and in the darkness sees a couple people carrying something away from the crew's quarters then goes right back to that house on a beach.

    Lodan wakes up drenched in cold sweat, shacking, needing a drink, not any drink, but last night's grog. "That ain't right," he mumbles to himself. He gets out of his hammock to see the red-haired flame spewing (or did he dream that too?) d!ck going out on the top deck. Lodan follows, leans on the rail next to the man, "hi, what's your name again?" promptly throws up bile overboard, wipes his mouth, "nevermind, say, do you have a plan to escape Scourge's, huh, scourge? Oh, yeah, maybe you don't know: Plugg said you'd get six lashes for... you did light up your grog on fire or something? Anyways, the half-orc barely survived two lashes and, no offense meant, he looks a lot tougher than you or I."
    Last edited by WalkingTheShade; 2016-06-18 at 03:49 AM. Reason: Grog in middle deck, not galley!
    'Jernau Gurgeh', the machine said, making a sighing noise, 'a guilty system recognises no innocents. … The very way you think places you amongst its enemies. … Prevarication will be more difficult than you might imagine; neutrality is probably impossible. You cannot choose not to have the politics you do; they are not some separate set of entities somehow detachable from the rest of your being; they are a function of your existence. I know that and they know that; you had better accept it.'