Quote Originally Posted by WalkingTheShade View Post
"hi, what's your name again? [Vomit]...nevermind, say, do you have a plan to escape Scourge's, huh, scourge? Oh, yeah, maybe you don't know: Plugg said you'd get six lashes for... you did light up your grog on fire or something? Anyways, the half-orc barely survived two lashes and, no offense meant, he looks a lot tougher than you or I."
Jarred stares at the man incredulously. "You talk too much, but you can call me Red until you learn to keep quite. Words have power, and so far yours seem to attract Scourge's attention," Jarred replies seriously. "No, I don't have a plan - yet - and yes I lit that swill before drinking it." He stops speaking as the bell begins to ring, with a proud and angry expression marring his otherwise handsome visage.