Elav'chir nodded, "A local merchant not connected to Doneeta, hmm, there are a few and they'd appreciate the business. The Doneetas have squeezed out most non-clan and taxed or bullied the others into submission. It'd be nice to get one back at them for what they've done over the last two months here."

She gets to her feet, "So you want me to take the supplies into the city to try and offload them? You'll trust me with that? Alone?" She raises an eyebrow, "Or do you want me to go and broker a deal them come back and discuss it." She pauses, "Didn't you just promise the medical supplies to Won'wetu? You going to renege on that?"

She frowns, thinking, "I'll need to go in by the main gate, more traffic there and less chance of being questioned too closely. Illegal trade usually goes through the lower caves, or the air ducts. Got a few loose credits to pay the toll? It's 5 credits per person."

"So is one of you going to come with me or am I doing this alone?" She looks at Jose, "You had better ditch the hardware if you're coming. Armour and rifles aren't tolerated and they'd possibly recognize you in that suit anyway."