[Hole Quest]

How very brave of Isaac, sticking his neck out like this for the children.

At the very least, it doesn't look like he's peering into the Glade of something awful. Instead, it appears as a warped, surreal version of his own neighborhood with trees growing up through the buildings, roads replaced with swift flowing rivers, and cars with great mossy boulders. The trees stretch into the sky beyond sight, eternal twilight filtering down through diaphanous leaves and glistening gossamer hanging from their branches like spanish moss. The hedge surrounding the garden within the Dreamlands is a twisted, foreboding thing woven with roses bearing unnaturally long thorns. The dark is a bit deeper than usual, perfect for fire-fly pixies to to waltz through the cool air, dodging between drifting motes of gossamer.

There aren't any children to be seen on the other side, though flickering through the hedge Isaac will be able to see firelight and distant conversation. Mostly grumbling over how long Owlteeth is taking to get the rest of the children through.

That, and the muffled crying of children. There's another voice, too. Sweet and soothing. Almost motherly. It's hard to make out the words, but whatever it is sounds like she's trying to comfort the terrified captives.


There's a snail slowly sliming its way up a stone column of the ruined watchtower that apparently represents the gazebo here.

Apparently the kidnappers missed one.