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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis J Hyena's Super Hyena Fun Show: Random Banter Thread #215

    Quote Originally Posted by goto124 View Post
    Eh, I have Oglaf-high standards. I don't really like 'typical' fanservice. When 'looking good if you know what I mean' isn't the main point of attention, I would rather enjoy gunfights without the fanservice butting in (pun pun).

    Checking RWBY videos, it seems that there're entire episodes (chapters?) where no fighting happens, or where bits of fighting are in between a lot of dialogue. Not really an action series, I think.
    RWBY is pretty bad I'd avoid it I only bring it up with Rawhide since he inspired me to watch it and now I'm just kinda stuck in it until it dies. Ah, the things I do for my internet friends and viewers.

    In that case, though it's a manga and not an anime (because life is simply unfair) read Et Cetera. It's a really good modernish western. Lotsa a gunslinging. One of the protagonists is a gender swapped Benkai, with guns instead of swords.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2016-07-09 at 03:04 AM.